Methyl Gold NanoUrchins

Home Methyl Gold NanoUrchins

Cytodiagnostics methoxy gold nanourchins have precisely engineered surface chemistry that renders them inert in most applications.

This inert property allows these nanoparticles to be used as excellent control samples when in combination with one of our many other functionalized nanourchins. In applications where the nanourchins are not being used as controls, the surface chemistry enables them to be used in solutions with much higher salt concentrations relative to the corresponding standard nanourchins.

Cytodiagnostics methoxy gold nanourchins are available with diameters ranging from 50nm – 100nm and are also available with 2 different spacer lengths (2 kDa and 5 kDa), allowing for better optimization.

For custom sizes, formulations or bulk quantities please contact our customer service department,